Friday, December 12, 2008

Fabulous Blog Award

I was gifted with this cute award from my very wonderful friend Missy G. I am to pass this along to five blogs that I find fabulous ... there are so many that I find fabulous it's going to be hard to choose!Fabulous' Award Rules:1. You have to pass it on to 5 fabulous blogs.2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions.3. Make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
My 5 Fabulous Addictions:

1. I love Blogging because I have met so many awesome people!

2. Chocolate is defiantly one of my fab additions!

3. Scrapping is very high on my fab addition list!

4. Blonde Hair~ I can't stand it when the roots show!

5. Spending time with my wonderful Son Cole!

Okay this is the hard part to pass it on to only 5 Fabulous blogs I have tried to send it to people that I don't think have had it sent to them yet needless to say I think the following blogs are Fab!!!:)
Jennifer,DebEvans,Michelle(ScrappyG),Missy Mclain,Trina...


Bonnie said...

Arent' awards great! I love giving them and recieving them. Congrats on yours and to everyone you gave one to.

Andi said...

Congratulations on your award Cecile! It's so much fun to receive them and then get to pass them along.

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Missy Glave said...

You so deserve this award my fabulous friend!

Unknown said...

AW shucks! I got an award? Just lil' ole boring me? Well thanks!