Thursday, July 21, 2011


I have been MIA for a bit now....So much going on with me and my family...but now things seem to be leveling out for our family...Thanks to God!
I am getting ready for Cole's 7th grade home school year, we spent 8 hours this week testing for placement which really is no fun but necessary for us to start out fresh in the 7th grade since he was only home schooled 1/2 of the year in 6th grade and the other 1/2 of year in our public school...Well, now we are on the right track with curriculum and placement.

Guess what my Scrap Table looks like??? A HOT mess...I miss playing with my scrappy stuff and plan on getting my mess cleaned up tonight and play with some challenges that I have printed off and need to get done by the end of the month:)
I hope that you are having a fun and fabulous summer as ours is almost over almost time to hit the books again..We have one camping trip planned before school starts back so that will be our last hurrah....
Have a great night and Happy Scrappin'!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Glad to see you here. I was planning on calling you since you seemed out of sorts lately. Still gonna call ya. Glad things are back on track. Love ya girly!