Friday, August 19, 2011

Home Schooling

We are 2 weeks into this year home schooling my son Cole for his 7th grade and all is going well. We had a few bumps in the road in the beginning but we were adjusting to new curriculum and things are going smoothly now:) It is still hard to believe that the summer is almost over for most kids around our area..We are still having 90 degrees still on most days here, I hope that fall is just around the corner for us but I think that is wishful thinking on my part...Probably another month of this horrible heat wave:( Well, I am so ready to get my scrap on and play with my paper and embellies but it seems like when I do have the time I just don't have the mojo flowing...So I am hoping the cooler weather will bring back my creative mojo;)
I hope that everyone is doing well!!
Happy Scrappin!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad to hear Cole is adjusting back to studies! We're still waiting to get Mary's stuff! I'm a bit miffed. She's not, though. lol